

The energetic threads of knowing have always been something intensely cherished.

Whether they remain consistent over years, change with the passing of time as with the seasons, or organically entwine and then grow apart, and any other manner of shift and change, the flourishing and cultivation of connections is something that has become a precious part of my lived experience as much as it is part of my practices. Quite the contrast to long previously but definitely for the better.

The Present-Dead from whom I am descended are as regarded as here and now, although changed, as much family as those who are contactable through the means of a phone call rather than anything more ritual. These are connections I am actively working to nourish and to strengthen, to draw into my day-to-day so strengthen them and give them a place alongside rather than to one side, included rather than only sparingly consulted.


When it comes to those in the present, to the connections within the now from the living alongside the Present-Dead, there is a ceaselessly beautiful and roiling maelstrom of potential – shifting and oscillating with each interaction, as if an expression of mutual artistry being endlessly added to and detailed. Threads reinforcing, threads parting, threads gathering, all forming part of the continual tapestry.

My personal interactions have the potential for unfettered development in terms of their direction, beautifully present without the need to attach a label or stuff them into a limiting category. Remembering that is a surge of cherished self-re-familiarising, a sanctuary for wellbeing.

Re-self-exploring, something I should remember to do more often.

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